Friday, June 29, 2012

Say Cheese!

Can it already be the end of June?  It must be because the Texas summer is here in full force which means it's hot, hot, hot!.  So, of course like a lunatic I have been spending way too much time outside in the heat taking pictures. Crazy, right?

The reason I've been outside taking pictures is because last month for my anniversary Bart bought me a DSLR camera.  He knows how much I enjoy taking pictures of nature and wildlife and suggested I sign up for a photography class.

My class has been an adventure in learning.  There is more to picture taking than just pointing and shooting.  My camera's potential is only limited by my knowledge.  So, needless to say, I have already signed up for the next class and look foward to learning more.  Did I mention I was a nerd?

Below is a sampling of pictures I took as part of my final assignment.  The pictures were taken at a nearby arboretum.

These pretty blossoms were hanging down from a pergola.

This flower is a Summer Snowflake.

Don't you just want to follow the path to find out where it leads?

I laid down in the middle of a bamboo grove and pointed my camera to the sky.

The squirrel was quite friendly and happily posed for a picture.

I had a difficult time getting the mallard's picture.  He kept walking around "talking" to me. 

His girlfriend was much easier to photograph,,,,she stopped and kindly struck a pose.

As a fan of Ansel Adams I am drawn to the play between light and dark.

I would love to have this stone pagoda in my backyard.

And what photo gallery is complete without a pile of rocks?

Monday, June 4, 2012

I Feel Like Houdini....

I no sooner start a blog then...poof...I disappear.  Do you have that one crazy month out of the year where everything happens all at once?  That month for me is May.  This year our family celebrated six birthdays, an anniversary, Mother's Day and my son's sixth grade graduation.  Plus, I signed up at a local university for a continuing ed course in digital photography.

Thankfully, things are starting to slow back down to normal.  I haven't had much time for stitching, but did manage to finish two Quaker Pincushions by Jeannette Douglas:

 For this one I used 32ct Natural along with GA Simply Wool in Terra Cotta and Brandy. 
Using the wool was a new experience.  I love the texture and matte finish.

For the second one I used 32ct Natural Light along with Caron Wildflowers in Blackwatch and Buttercup.  I am a huge fan of the color Blackwatch, all those greens and blues are gorgeous.  I liked how the yellow made it all just pop.  The picture doesn't do it justice.

One of my ongoing projects is to complete the 12 Days of Christmas by Prairie Schooler. I am currently working on day three.  Here's my progress so far:

I am using 32ct Flax and the recommended DMC floss for the entire series.

Here's a peek at day one and two:

On one of my many trips to my LNS I picked up the pattern Spot the Cat by La D Da. The black and white kitty looks like my cat, Jack.

 I changed the colors to Belle Soie and found a pretty piece of 40ct WDW Tin Roof.  I plan on starting it sometime this month.  I'll keep you posted on my progress.....

Jack the Cat