Why did I chose the name Accidental Stitcher?
I think it's the perfect description of how I began cross stitching. Many years ago, when I was pregnant with my son, Nicolaus, I was placed on bed rest for nearly five months. At first, I thought all that "rest" would be great.....and it was.....for like a day.
I quickly discovered several things: 1) daytime TV is just plain boring; 2) you can only read so many books; and 3) the FedEx guy doesn't have all day to stay and chat! I was desperate. I needed to find something to occupy my time. So, after getting my doctor's approval, I stopped by my local hobby store and picked out the M.I. Hummel JCA Weekenders cross stitch kit below:
I fell in love with it. I knew we were having a baby boy and thought it would look great hanging up in the nursery.
Only one small problem, I had never cross stitched in my life. No worries, I would simply read the instructions. I mean, how hard could it be. Well, let me tell you, I found out real quick it isn't as easy as it looks. Not by a long shot.
But, it definitely occupied my time and made bed rest more enjoyable.
I never did hang up the piece. It was awful....I mean really, really awful. I didn't understand at the time what a huge no-no it is to knot the thread on the back of your piece; or that laying down your stitch in the same direction (every time) really does matter: or that consistent tension is key to making a pretty little x.
Ignorance is bliss, this I know.
Nowadays, when I think back on that JCA kit I can't help but smile. I mean, stitching has become such an integral part of my life. It centers me. It relaxes me. It makes me happy.
So, now you know how I accidentally became a stitcher.
Such a great story! I still think you should frame the piece and hang it, because it's so special.